“Year 1984 in Riga. What can we tell about the youth of that time in 2009? Our story will be about the young people in the 80s Riga – what they thought and felt, how they loved and looked for their place in the adult world. They were listening to Italian pop music, smoking „Cosmos”, missing out school and discussing the problem where to buy new jeans. What does responsibility mean now and then? My aim is to look at the values of the young people of the 80s with today’s eyes. We would like to give the audience a feeling of seeing oneself and thinking what has been lost and won since then." Inese Mičule
tuesday, 28.07First coaching session is overLast weekend young directors Inese Mičule and Valters Sīlis started to work on their new productions. During two days their ideas were intesively discussed under the tutorship of their "coaches" - Michal Zadara from Warsaw and Rok Vevar from Ljubljana.

...TELL ME ABOUT... / theatre
Inese Mičule (Riga)
Director Inese Mičule
- 05., 06. september 19:00
RIXC Media Space
11.novembra krastmala 35
in Latvian
Ls 3, 2 (with discount)