

  • tuesday, 28.07
    First coaching session is over
    Last weekend young directors Inese Mičule and Valters Sīlis started to work on their new productions. During two days their ideas were intesively discussed under the tutorship of their "coaches" - Michal Zadara from Warsaw and Rok Vevar from Ljubljana.


HN recommends

Festival performances in pictures by our photographer Anrijs Požarskis:
photos from "Children, birds and flowers" by Houkka brothers, "Un Cirque plus juste" by Jani Nuutinen, "Battle at.." by Mārtiņš Eihe

Pictures from the 1st day - the performance "God is beauty" in Riga Film studio and festival opening!

See pictures from the rehearsals of the festival premieres:
Valters Sīlis "Oasis" and Inese Mičule "..tell me about.."

Festival passes and tickets are on sale now!

2:week_days_full.21, 21. august